Sunday 18 October 2015

Insidious Analysis

Insidious Opening Scene Analysis

The title sequence is in red with a black background, this is connotes blood and darkness which is a generic horror genre indicator. The first scene of the film is of a child sleeping in bed, we are drawn away by the camera as it moves around the house, mid way through we see a mysterious shadow in the window and as we get closer to the shadow it starts to move away from sight as the camera tries to follow it, the music we hear is violent and gradually gets faster and more aggressive as we go through the house creating serious suspense keeping the audience on edge as they can tell something is going to happen. Soon after we find out what the shadow really was as we see a medium shot ghostly woman holding a candle who soon after fades out of the shot. This will give the audience an idea of maybe this could be the antagonist of the film or at least she will show some importance in the film. For a second the entire film goes silent until all of a sudden the title of the film shows up, and the music goes straight back to it's violent rhythm. the title of the film is in a red, demonic styled font, this is also a genre indicator along with the shadows behind the writing which suggest this will be a supernatural/religious styled horror. Other films that follow the same type of horror are 'The Exorcist' and 'Paranormal Activity'.

After we see the title of the film cut out after a few seconds, we have an establishing shot of the house in which the main location of the movie will place. The non digetic sounds of the background music is now a lot more quiet but now a more deluded tone, which is a more unsettling, chilling and eerie than at the start where it was more violent and aggressive. As the scenes go on we are given a chilling tour around the house, this will help the audience get to know the location of the film. The names that are coming up are in the same red, devilish font as the title, keeping the haunting feel to the opening scenes. In some of these scenes of the house, we can see shadows on the floor and walls which give the audience an unnerving surprise, but they have tried to make it less of a jump scare, but more of a chilling feel to it. In another part we see a photo on a wall move on its own suggesting that this house is home to poltergeists or a supernatural force.

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