Thursday 17 December 2015

Age Certificates

Age Ratings


"U" - Universal
This age ratings means that the film is suitable for all audiences, this means that children 4 years or older can watch these films, these films will not contain any strong language, sexual innuendo etc. Words like "damn" and "hell" will be used infrequently in some of the films but are very rare to find anything more than mild bad language. Illegal drugs would never be used in these films unless they are for education purposes.

"PG" - Parental Guidance
This age ratings means that the film is for general viewing and may have scenes that may not suitable for ages 8 or under, these films will contain mild bad language like "shit" or "son of a bitch" but are not very frequent and are only used when 'necessary'. Illegal drugs may be referenced or spoken about, but visual use is very rare - violence is very mild and not graphic for example, small fist fights or playing with electricity.


"12A" and "12"
The 12A age rating means that the film is not suitable for audiences under 12's unless they are accompanied by an adult. A 12A film will consist of 12 rating material but can be argued whether they are suitable for someone slightly younger that 12. If a film has a dark or disturbing tone to it, then the film would be classified as 12 instead because they believe that it is absolutely not suitable for anyone under 12. In a 12A film, the level of violence will be higher than PG but is still seen as 'mild', they tend to not show or use too much detail on injuries or any use of gore - this is very similar to actual 12 rated movies as the violence will only be heightened slightly. Strong language like "fuck" can be used in these films but only when they are absolutely 'necessary' and are very infrequent. Sexual innuendo or references are used fairly frequently in a 12A or 12 rated film but no graphic material will be shown. Horror films can be passed at these ratings but they must be mild and are not disturbing or have a dark tone throughout the movie.

Films rated 15 are suitable for people 15 or over - these rated films do not have any theme restrictions meaning all genres are available and are aloud to use more graphical material and dark tones. 15 rated films tend to have very frequent use of strong language and can use some of the strongest terms but only when in a suitable situation. Sexual references are very frequent and there is more graphic material used and any sexual scenes may continue for longer periods of times and are in more 'detail' that other films of a lower rating. Discrimination/offensive terms may be used frequently but cannot endorse this type of behavior.

Films that have been rated 18 are for adults only and a prohibited from anyone under 18, Films rated 18 have minimal restrictions as to what they can include, however the thing this shares with the lower age ratings is that the film cannot endorse any: antisocial behavior, discrimination or violence. Drug use will almost definitely be seen in an 18 rated movie, very graphic scenes will be shown whether it is sexual or gore, real sex may even be seen in 18 rated films (but only in some circumstances but usually infrequent). Any use of strong language is acceptable no matter the situation, and violence and injuries are emphasized and in almost real life detail.

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