Thursday 4 February 2016

The Ring opening scene

In the beginning of The Ring, the first shot is a medium shot tracking the character across a room, the next shot we see is a close up shot, we can immediately tell that this girl will be the victim due to the cliches of horror films where a young teenage girl will usually be the victim at the start of the films. The audience can tell that this woman will not be around for long as they tend to die in the first few minutes of the film. As she takes a few steps, we hear a diegetic sound of a TV in the background.The girl is seen looking to her right which creates a slight bit of tension as the audience in their mind think that someone will be there in the room next to her for her to meet her death. The camera then slowly pans through past the door into the living room through the use of a POV shot, where we see a shot of a TV fuzzing, the fact there is no non diegetic sound makes the scene very real to the audience and makes us feel like we are there, this also means that the audience will not know when the suspense will climax leaving the audience on the edge of their seat not knowing when something will happen. We see our character turn the TV off and walk off, the audience will still have a feeling that something bad is going to happen. By the time the audience have thought about this, the TV has on its own, turned back on with the same screen as last time.

We then see her run back to the TV and unplug the switch which will make her think that the trouble is over - however due to the conventions of horror films, the audience know that this isn't the end as they know more will happen. We see her stare up close at the TV screen when there is a black screen leaving the audience thinking that something will jump out and scare them, however the director has teased the audience by not having anything there but a movement in the reflection of the screen that came from her kitchen, this creates a lot of tension and the audience will be holding on to their seats knowing that she does not have long left as they know something is in her house.

We see a medium-close up shot of our victim walking slowly into the kitchen, the camera then cuts to a medium shot of a fridge opening on it's own. By now the audience will be able to tell that this film will be based on the supernatural due to the mysterious and unknown happenings in our victims house. We then see a shot of her slamming the fridge shut and holding it shut, by now the audience will expect something to appear in the corridor behind her or something to jump out and kill her, however the audience have again been teased but this leads to the thrill and tension keeping the audience on the edge. We then see a high angle shot of the victim from the bottom of the stairs, the use of a high angle shot implies that she is weak and vulnerable.

The last scene shows her at the top of the stairs and water flowing from out of a room in the house, at this point the audience are certain that she is about to meet he demise however the audience do not know exactly what will happen which leads to the chilling feel. The use of a low key blue tinted lighting creates a cold effect leaving a chilling and unnerving feeling in the audience.

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