Saturday 26 March 2016

Evaluation 4 - Target Audience

Target Audience 

Our films target audience is the age range between 15-35 years old.
We have given our film a 15 rating certificate as our film contains more graphical content than what would be expected in a 12 rated film or lower, meaning that if we were to give this film a 12, we would not be able to have some of the features that we has included.

The film also contains frequent use of strong language and due to the genre of the film, there is a lot of violence within it - this material requires are more mature audience because it would appeal an older audience. The target audience is very male heavy as, in our opening, the characters are all male which will make the film more appealing to a male audience as  females stereo-typically will watch action/thriller films for the love interest or if there is a female character within the film that is of some importance.

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